Thursday, June 8, 2017

It is that Time! Time to loss weight! 100 Pounds is the Goal.

It is that Time! Time to loss weight! 100 Pounds is the Goal.

It is Time! To start over once again...

Today is now, June 8, 2017... I weighed in today @ 314 Lbs.

MY GOAL is to LOSE 100 Lbs... I can do it! I know I can...

Let's set a Date...? I say, June 9, 2018 - YES!

That will give me 1 Yr. or 365 Days to make my idea weight!

Okay, now it's your turn! That's Right! Your chance to help, Me!

Everyone, say something encouraging to get me back on Track!

That is the Walking, Jogging & Running TRACK!

People have been asking me lately?

Where are you in your weight loss?

I was no where. But only gaining weight back which I had loss.

Thanks to many good friends, asking me?

How are you doing with your weight loss?

Now, I am back in the open, and ready to get back to work, working out!

Thank You Everyone!

Lee Ruud...

PS, See me today, as I am Praying once again, that you will be seeing less of me and more of Him!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lee's Weight Loss Challenge! Photo Update! DEC 2012

Please pray for me,as I start over once again! Weight loss is not so fun, but for me there is no other go... I need to lose about 100 Pounds. JOIN ME! Lee Ruud

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lee Health August 15, 2012

                                                                                    August 15, 2012
Hi all,

We are doing okay here in India.

Hope and pray all is well with you. 

I am sending an update about my health & weight loss:

Sorry for not being in touch sooner. It has been hard for me on the physical.

Living here in India as a missionary and not going back home to the USA has been ruff.

I have been in partnership with ministries to full-fill the call of God He gave me.

Partnership has allowed me a small bite of financial blessings. 

I have not been home to see my family in the USA since October 2010.

I received an opportunity to travel to the USA in Nov 2012.

I will be speaking at Christ The King Church in Oxford, Michigan on Sunday November 25, 2012.

I have not been well lately.

I had two different times which I had pain as I injured my back once and recently my right shoulder.

My right shoulder & right arm have been the worst. They are taking a longer to heal.

I lost about 30 pounds and went down from 305 pounds to 275 pounds.

Then, last year, I had broken my ribs twice. Long story...I regained my weight back!

I hadn’t been attending the GYM. Last month I renewed my GYM membership for one more year, hoping it will help encourage me to exercise & eat right.

After going to the GYM for one week, I got excited! I tried adding weight lifting too soon and I tore a muscle in my right shoulder... it is giving me pain badly!

It is now getting better after three long weeks.

Please kindly keep me in your prayers.

Many Blessings from India - Lee Ruud

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How does time go by so fast, when it seems as though I am doing Nothing?

I think it is now time to update everyone on where I am at on my Weight Lost Journey: 

This is an update... to my weight loss goal! I am sad to say, that today was the first time in many months that I dared to step back onto the scale and it was not nice! 300 Lbs... Ouch! That hurts. Well, I guess today needs to be Day # 1, Again!

It is Time! To start over once again...

Today is now, June 9, 2012... I weighed in today @ 300 Lbs.

MY GOAL is to LOSE 100 Lbs... I can do it! I know I can...

Let's set a Date...? I say, June 10, 2013 - YES! That will give me 1 Yr. or 365 Days to make my idea weight!

Okay, now it's your turn! That's Right! Your chance to help, Me!

Everyone, say something encouraging to get me back on Track! That is the Walking, Jogging & Running TRACK!

Many people have been asking me lately? Where are you in your weight loss?

I was no where. But only gaining weight back which I had loss.

Thanks to many good friends, asking me? How are you doing with your weight loss? Now, I am back in the open, and ready to get back to work, working out!

Thank You Everyone!

Lee Ruud...

PS, See me today, as I am Praying once again, that you will be seeing less of me and more of Him!

Also, read the really word below from Joyce Meyer.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Day 174 of 365

Hebrews 12:11 NIRV-ENG

11 No training seems pleasant at the time. In fact, it seems painful. But later on it produces a harvest of godliness and peace. It does that for those who have been trained by it.

This plan was provided by...

We would like to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries for their generosity in providing "Promises for Your Everyday Life." If you would like more information, please visit:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Unexpected Accident & Injuries on June 29, 2011

Mr. Band-Aid

Let me say first of all, I am okay and recovering.

On Wednesday morning, after getting my son, John Daniel ready & off to school, I headed out to go to the GYM…on my scooter!

I remember, after my freak accident, hearing in High School in a Traffic Police Movie, that most accidents happen within 1 mile from our homes.

Well, mine was within only 50 yards from the gate of our rented house.

As I headed out of the gate and turned to the right, I only had driven about 4 to 5 car lengths when I seen a small car coming the other direction towards me, also there was Auto Rickshaw on my side of the street (The Left Side, as we drive in India) and I was not going to be able to maneuver my scooter around the Parked Auto. At the same time, the young girl who was driving the small car understood that she was not going to be able to pass or go around the Parked Auto safety, so we both applied our brakes.

This is when it happened! The Unexpected Accident!

It had rained the night before. In our Colony, water collects at certain places due to the road being low there. Right where my accident accorded was one of these spots. Also, even though the rain water had evaporated, there was still sand in the road which the rain water carried down from the street, as there is a slight hill in the front of our rented home.

As I applied both front & rear brakes on the scooter and the front tire of the scooter immediately slipped out from under me, and I went down very hard on the black top pavement!

As, soon as I hit the ground, O Boy, I knew I hit hard and I hurt myself, pretty good.

Thank God, His Mercies are new every morning!

Needless to say, I was not properly dressed to go out on a Motor Bike or Scooter, as I thought, I am only going to the GYM, which is less than one block from our house, but this thinking is NOT correct!

I did not have my Helmet on! I was wearing Slippers! And, I was wearing Shorts, again, as I was going to the GYM!

After the accident, I gave the scooter keys to our ALC Staff member and asked him to park the scooter at the ALC Office for now, as I am planning to drive the car, when I am feeling better!

The Auto Rickshaw I mentioned, was Parked, because there is a small Provision Shop right next to our home.

When the people nearby and the young girl who was driving the small car came to try and help me get up, I told them No! Reason being, I felt that the hit to the ground & the blow I took, actually almost knocked me OUT!

This is when I realized that I must have gotten pretty hurt. Of course, by now, the man who is owner of the small shop is asking someone to go and get my wife, Praveena at our home. The young girl who was driving the small car, was pulling me by my right arm, which was not hurt and was trying to get me to stand up, but I was telling them, no, I cannot get up, because I am really hurt. I felt again, as if I was about to pass out! Good thing is, I did get up and I did not pass out!

As I had fallen to the left side, I had a lot of flesh wounds & what we call, Road Burn, on my left arm & left leg. This was not too bad, even though it was bleeding, the blood that was starting to come down from my left side of my forehead, is what was troubling me!

I was able to walk back with help of others to our home, leaving the scooter sitting in the road.

As soon as Praveena saw me, she was a little terrified, as there was blood on my face.

We got me cleaned up the best we could, within a few minutes and when off to the Doctor Office, actually we went to my son’s Dr…who is very close by, as he has become like our family doctor.

They attended to me right away…PLT! I did not want to sit in a waiting room. After cleaning the small sand & rocks out of my left leg, the doctor seen me & suggested us to go and have a CT Scan for my head injury & a chest X-ray, as I was complaining that my left side Ribs where hurting badly.


After receiving all the Scans and X-rays, everything was confirmed that I am Oaky!

A big, thank you to, JESUS! For sending Angel's to protect me!

My injuries consist of:

Head wound right above my left eye with a small cut, but no need of stitches!

My left arm & elbow has road rash…which is a bite painful!

My left knee, Calf & shin are all scraped up pretty bad.

My left ankle, too... It also has a bad sprang!

Strange…my right side foot, on my Big Toe. It was hurt bad enough, that it looks right now, that I will lose the Big Toe nail!!!

As am have been writing this letter today, and been irrupted many times, it was a very hard day!

Earlier in the day, as I was trying to write, I noticed that I could start to see my left eye sticking out as I looked at the computer screen, why? Because, it started to swell! Yes, it swelled so much that I could only see out of it halfway, after about 1 hour, and I needed to stop, to soak it with a Hot Hand Towel, to make the swelling stop! Then, later in the day, the swelling went from the top of the left eye, to the bottom of the eye. Now, it looks like someone, punched me really hard right in my left eye! Ouch!

I will end here, as I have already written too much! Sorry!

I wanted to share this experience with you all, so you can keep me in your personal prayers!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this long three page letter about my, Unexpected Accident & Injuries on June 29, 2011

Praveena & I do covet, your prayers in our lives!

With Out Your Prayers! It would have been much WORSE!!!

Psalm 91: 7-16… A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Thank You, ALL….

Rev. Lee Ruud

PS, I was wondering if I should attach a Photo...

What do you think???

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today is Day # 285 UPDATE!

Today is Day # 285 - My UPDATE! It has been 43 days since I had been to the GYM. I had lost more than 25 Pounds.

Sadly, On April 17, 2011...I had broken my right Rib... Ouch! That hurt.

Good News! I am doing better!

Today was my first day back to the GYM! Day # 285.

Spent more a two hours @ the Gym....I have gained back 10 pounds of the 25 I had lost, so there is much work outs to be done!!!

Please keep me in your Prayers!

Here is a Photo of me on Day # 225 - April 1, 2011 - About 60 days ago!

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Night that Changed My Life

The Night that Changed My Life

It should have been a scene of American family bliss. A Sunday afternoon in our home on a beautiful fall day in South Florida. My husband, Keith, was watching the Dolphins game in the living room with some friends. He’d waited all week for this. Our girls, six-year-old Ashley and four-year-old Kayla, were helping me in the kitchen. Well, kind of. Our six-month-old, Jake, was jumping and laughing in his Jolly Jumper. I was baking Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, our favorite, and everybody could smell the cinnamon and butter and couldn’t wait for the cookies to come out of the oven. Especially me.

As I worked in the kitchen, I could hear the football game coming from the living room. The announcers were talking about a player who had arrived at training camp completely out of shape. He was six foot four and weighed 320 pounds. “That is a big boy,” they said. “Wow! He is huge.” “Would you look at that guy,” I heard my husband say with disgust. “I can’t believe he got so fat! What a lazy bum.”

Those words cut me to the heart. I had created a happy home, with a happy husband and happy kids. But at that moment I wanted to die, because I outweighed that player by at least 10 pounds. I was bigger than anyone playing for the Miami Dolphins. And I knew I was anything but lazy.

I pulled the cookies out of the oven and felt nauseous. I was pathetic. I’d been overweight my entire adult life, but I was bigger than I had ever been. I was miserable but doing an excellent job of faking out everyone who knew me.

I was five foot nine and weighed 330 pounds, maybe more. I didn’t know for sure because it had been months since I’d dared to step on a scale. Besides, the only one in the house was a conveniently inaccurate discount-store model with a wheel underneath that calibrated the scale. I had adjusted it to register the lowest weight possible. I was in denial, but I was also without hope. It was the autumn of 2000. I was twenty-eight years old and was starting to believe I would never live a long and fulfilled life. Not this way.

If an angel had landed on my shoulder and whispered in my ear that, in less than two years, Oprah Winfrey would have me on her show to tell a feel-good weight-loss story, I’d have sent that angel packing and gone back to my cookies. I wasn’t Oprah material. And there was absolutely nothing feel-good about my life. Call me when you want a feel-bad story. That was me. If that angel had whispered that I would one day run a marathon, I’d have checked him in to an insane asylum. I couldn’t run around the block. Even in high school I hadn’t been able to run the required twenty-minute mile. My knees hurt all the time. I was morbidly obese—a term that I knew meant an early death. If one thing was clear about my life in the fall of 2000, it was that I could never, ever run a marathon.

But I did. I finished my first one in 2005 and after that ran four more—in less than a year. I went from weighing nearly 350 pounds to less than 150 pounds. And I have appeared on Oprah and Good Morning America and the cover of People magazine as one of America’s great weight-loss successes. Getting fit wasn’t easy—there was plenty of pain, deprivation, tears, and hunger along the way. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I won’t try to sugarcoat any of that. But, honestly, I didn’t give myself a choice. Once I made the unconditional decision that I was going to lose weight and get healthy, nothing could stop me. And nothing will stop you if you make the Five Decisions to break the fat habit for good.

That’s a guarantee.

Here is the secret I learned—the same secret I want to share with you. I realized I had to change my mind before I could change my body, my health, and my life. I discovered the Five Decisions, which brought about an unconditional commitment to getting healthy and fit. Once I started, I treated it like a job so that no matter what else was going on in my life, I did what I had to do to achieve daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and eventually the target weight and fitness that I desired. After making the Five Decisions, getting fit was a matter of showing up for work each day. The process developed from the inside out, which was a new concept for me.

First, You Change Your Mind

People constantly ask me how I lost 200 pounds and started running marathons. When I explain that it took several years to achieve those goals, they wonder how I was able to stick to the plan when so many others can’t. I ask myself the same question. I had failed plenty of times before. I’d tried a few diets and failed, including a bit of foolishness called the chocolate-wafer diet, which I’ll tell you about later. I’d resolved so many times not to eat the entire package of Oreos, without success. So how did I lose all that weight and keep it off—reclaiming my health and gaining a new life in the process?

Here’s the simple answer: my brain changed. I decided to first become a different person in my mind and then learned patience as my body followed. My success wasn’t measured only by a declining number on a scale; it was much deeper. I had to change on the inside. I needed to change my mind before I could change my body.

It will work the same way for you. First you must get to the right place in your head, and then you can create the lifestyle to go along with that.

Your body reflects your daily choices, so stop confusing it by the way you think.

The mistake so many people make is to focus on weight loss and how long it will take. In fact, the multibillion-dollar diet industry banks on people thinking this way. Don’t get stuck in the weight loss–weight gain cycle. What you should focus on is the person you want to be. Set your sights very high, and keep your commitment level even higher.

In this book I’ll explain how I did that. I went from being someone who weighed more than a Miami Dolphins lineman to someone who is strong and trim and can run twenty-six miles. I went from a state of hopelessness to a life of incredible confidence. And I want to help you achieve something great in your life. If you change your mind before attempting to change your body, you can do this.

Hitting Rock Bottom

While I was learning how to lose weight and regain my health, I faced setback after setback. My husband lost his job, and my mother was diagnosed with cancer—and those were only two of the crises that came along. Changing your life will never be easy, and that’s why in order to succeed, you first need to be ready to succeed. It’s a choice you make.

In the fall of 2000, when I was baking cookies and overhearing my husband’s criticism of an overweight NFL lineman, I fell into despair. I realized my life was out of control and I was headed for an early grave if I didn’t change. But even then, I wasn’t yet ready to make the commitment that was necessary to change my life. The truth is, on that dark day I still wasn’t miserable enough to change.

I hit rock bottom about six months later. I was at my heaviest ever—349 pounds, I think. Though I was still mostly in denial, I was starting to see myself clearly, and I hated what I saw. I’d look in the mirror and say, “You are pitiful!

How Could You Have Let This Happen?”

My appearance started to affect my family life. We live in South Florida, where every weekend is a pool party. My daughters were young, but they were being invited to a few parties, and I was horribly uncomfortable in a bathing suit. I knew it wouldn’t be long before my girls would be embarrassed by their mother, and that made me want to cry. It did make me cry. But that was the least of it. I was more worried that their mom would die young. I’d seen fat people, and I’d seen old people, but rarely had I seen fat, old people. If I couldn’t change for myself, maybe I could do it for my kids.

One night I was driving home alone from an event at church. I felt trapped in despair. At age twenty-nine, my body felt old. I had recently had an emergency gallbladder operation, and the doctor had told me he was afraid to cut through all my layers of fat because of the risk of infection. Imagine being worried about your diseased gallbladder and experiencing anxiety about surgery. And then you learn that your weight problem makes you more prone to infection. That night in the car I felt like the most pathetic person who had ever lived. I believed that God had made me and put me on earth for a purpose, and I was not living the life He intended for me. I knew I had to change.

As I drove, drowning in self-pity, I began to envision what my life would be if I weren’t fat. I thought of all the things I could do—even simple things, such as walking down an airplane aisle without having to turn sideways. I’d be able to board a flight without getting fearful stares from people hoping I wouldn’t sit next to them. And there were deeper things, such as being able to go down a slide at a playground with my kids. And I wanted never again to feel
as if I was embarrassing my husband when he introduced me to business associates. I was tired of feeling prejudged by every server in every restaurant for what I ordered. I wanted to be able to shop in the same clothing stores as all my friends.

I wanted a normal life.

As I drove home from church, I came to the realization that I absolutely could not go on with my life as it was. I pulled over, sobbing. In total despair I cried out to God. I remember every word. “This is it!” I said. “I can’t live like this anymore. I’m done. I give all this pain to You. I surrender this battle. I need You to take over and give me a plan. Otherwise, I don’t want to live anymore.”

Almost immediately a sense of inner peace filled me, and I calmed down. I had gone to church all my life and had a relationship with God, but I had certainly never felt anything like that before. The peace was real, and in my mind I heard from God. I clearly heard these words: You are not being the best you can be. It wasn’t a booming voice like in a movie, but it also wasn’t a voice coming from me. The words were a jolt to my soul. And that moment would change my life forever.

Again, with crystal clarity, I “heard” a whisper: You are not being the best you can be. And for the first time in my life, I understood that this was a choice. I could choose to be the best I could be or not. We all have the same choice. We can’t choose our natural talents or what opportunities life is going to throw our way, but we can choose to do this one thing: we can do the best job of living that we are capable of. After praying alone in my car, I knew I could do better.

The Choice is Yours

No matter how overweight and out of shape we are, our bodies and minds are capable of much more than we think. No matter what battles we face in life, we can have victory. The amazing thing is that so many of us choose not to. I know this is true because I was as guilty as anyone. For years I’d made poor choices and come up with excuses for why I really didn’t have a choice at all. I was big boned. I let myself overeat because I was pregnant. I skipped exercise because I didn’t have the time. I was too far gone to ever recover. I told myself whatever it took to hide the truth that I was not doing the best job of living.

I was also being scammed by the diet industry. We all have been taken in by the hype. “We’ll give you your eating points,” the industry tells us, “and let you spend them on any food you want. And we’ll love you when you get on that scale, whether you’ve lost weight or not. We’ll keep hugging you for the next twenty-three years if need be.” Counting my points was not going to save me. Choosing the right frozen entrĂ©e and having it delivered to my home for the next two years was not going to save me. I didn’t need the unconditional love of strangers; I needed unconditional commitment from myself.

I was also scammed by the “fat gene” scientists who insisted that my weight problem was out of my hands. They were wrong; it was in my hands. Chantel, I told myself, this is not cancer. I knew, because my mother had leukemia, and I had spent more tearful nights than I could count praying for her recovery—something I couldn’t do anything about. I prayed that chemotherapy would work and that God would heal her. But I realized that I’d been thinking of my obesity in the same way, as an illness. I’d even been told by experts that drastic surgery might be my only option. But that was another lie. The way I lived my life and how I contributed to my health were completely in my hands.

Every one of us knows what we should do, but we don’t always do it. Instead, we pretend it’s out of our control. We take the easy way out and let ourselves down. Gaining weight doesn’t come about by accident, and it’s not forced on us. We gain weight through a series of poor choices made on a regular basis over a long period of time.

The same process holds true for achieving a goal related to your health and fitness. Whether it’s weight loss, athletic accomplishment, or any other personal or business goal, you achieve what you seek by learning to make the right choices and not being scared of self-sacrifice. I began wondering what my life would be like and what I would be capable of if I simply started being the best me I could.

It was time to find out.

After hearing God tell me, You are not being the best you can be, I made my decision, and I said it out loud: “I can do this. I will do this.” I repeated it, and I meant it. At that moment by the side of Cypress Creek Road, my life turned around.

Do It, Then Talk

Having made the commitment, I knew I was going to change my life, but I didn’t have a specific plan. I knew I’d have to start exercising, no matter how much I dreaded it. I knew I would have to change the way I ate, and I would need to learn more about nutrition. And to become a different person, I knew I would have to start thinking like the person I wanted to be and not the person I had allowed myself to become. I didn’t know how I was going to do all this, but I knew I would have God by my side. He might not make it easy, but He’d give me the strength to do everything that was needed.

When I got home that night, Keith was already in bed. He had never criticized my weight, for which I was incredibly grateful, but I knew how he must have felt. I looked into my husband’s eyes, told him that God had spoken to me in the car, and announced that the next morning I would begin losing weight and getting healthy. (I even mentioned that one day I would write a book to reach others in my situation.) I made it clear that I was totally committed to being the best I could be.

Keith smiled at me and quoted one of his favorite sources of inspiration, the self-made billionaire Art Williams: “Do it, then talk.”

He was right. I shut up. Keith fell asleep, but I had a burning passion that kept me awake that night and has kept me up many nights since. Making the unconditional decision to change—the complete commitment with no turning back—had to be followed by action. First you change your mind. But to change your body and your life, you have to get moving. You have to do things and do them differently from the past. Do it. How incredibly simple—yet how long it had taken me to get to a place where I could see that clearly. Getting fit and accomplishing my dreams was simply a matter of choosing to do it, following through every single day, and understanding that failure was not an option. I could do it. I would do it.

And I did.

Keep reading, and you’ll find out how to change your life through five crucial decisions. The Five Decisions change your brain, giving you a new way of thinking about yourself, your life, your health, and your future. As long as you keep thinking the same way you always have, you will keep doing the things you have always done—including the unhealthy habits you have developed. Join me in the next chapter as we explore the past—including all the influences that worked together to bring us to where we are today. Understanding the messages that influence our self-perception and the way we respond to obstacles enables us to make the new decisions that are necessary for permanent change.

What Do You Want to Change, and Why?

As you prepare to make the mental changes that will lead to permanent life change, think through the reasons you want to change. What is motivating your desire to lose weight and reclaim your health? Use the questions that follow to think in detail about your life, your goals for the future, and what you’re willing to do to make this happen finally and forever.

1. Beyond losing weight, what do you most want to change about your life?

2. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to see certain areas of your life undergo radical change? If you’re not yet willing, what is holding you back?

3. When in your life have you felt the most hopeless? Are you now ready to move past those scars and never look back?

4. When you gained weight in the past, what factors caused you to lose your focus on health?

5. Identify three reasons or influences from the past that convinced you that you couldn’t achieve permanent life change. After considering these reasons, can you now admit they were merely excuses?

6. Think about the necessity of changing your mind before you attempt to change your body. Do you agree that lasting change begins on the inside? As you consider being the best you can be, are you ready to work from the inside out?

7. A total life change involves your mind, body, and spirit. Think about the spiritual aspect for a moment. Do you accept the role that faith plays in the process of changing your life for good?

8. When have you been held back by a fear of failure? Write down your biggest fears in this regard. As you face your fears, can you decide to let them go and give your all to permanent life change?

By Chantel Hobbs -

Excerpted from Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs. Used by permission.