Let me say first of all, I am okay and recovering.
On Wednesday morning, after getting my son, John Daniel ready & off to school, I headed out to go to the GYM…on my scooter!
I remember, after my freak accident, hearing in High School in a Traffic Police Movie, that most accidents happen within 1 mile from our homes.
Well, mine was within only 50 yards from the gate of our rented house.
As I headed out of the gate and turned to the right, I only had driven about 4 to 5 car lengths when I seen a small car coming the other direction towards me, also there was Auto Rickshaw on my side of the street (The Left Side, as we drive in India) and I was not going to be able to maneuver my scooter around the Parked Auto. At the same time, the young girl who was driving the small car understood that she was not going to be able to pass or go around the Parked Auto safety, so we both applied our brakes.
This is when it happened! The Unexpected Accident!
It had rained the night before. In our Colony, water collects at certain places due to the road being low there. Right where my accident accorded was one of these spots. Also, even though the rain water had evaporated, there was still sand in the road which the rain water carried down from the street, as there is a slight hill in the front of our rented home.
As I applied both front & rear brakes on the scooter and the front tire of the scooter immediately slipped out from under me, and I went down very hard on the black top pavement!
As, soon as I hit the ground, O Boy, I knew I hit hard and I hurt myself, pretty good.
Thank God, His Mercies are new every morning!
Needless to say, I was not properly dressed to go out on a Motor Bike or Scooter, as I thought, I am only going to the GYM, which is less than one block from our house, but this thinking is NOT correct!
I did not have my Helmet on! I was wearing Slippers! And, I was wearing Shorts, again, as I was going to the GYM!
After the accident, I gave the scooter keys to our ALC Staff member and asked him to park the scooter at the ALC Office for now, as I am planning to drive the car, when I am feeling better!
The Auto Rickshaw I mentioned, was Parked, because there is a small Provision Shop right next to our home.
When the people nearby and the young girl who was driving the small car came to try and help me get up, I told them No! Reason being, I felt that the hit to the ground & the blow I took, actually almost knocked me OUT!
This is when I realized that I must have gotten pretty hurt. Of course, by now, the man who is owner of the small shop is asking someone to go and get my wife, Praveena at our home. The young girl who was driving the small car, was pulling me by my right arm, which was not hurt and was trying to get me to stand up, but I was telling them, no, I cannot get up, because I am really hurt. I felt again, as if I was about to pass out! Good thing is, I did get up and I did not pass out!
As I had fallen to the left side, I had a lot of flesh wounds & what we call, Road Burn, on my left arm & left leg. This was not too bad, even though it was bleeding, the blood that was starting to come down from my left side of my forehead, is what was troubling me!
I was able to walk back with help of others to our home, leaving the scooter sitting in the road.
As soon as Praveena saw me, she was a little terrified, as there was blood on my face.
We got me cleaned up the best we could, within a few minutes and when off to the Doctor Office, actually we went to my son’s Dr…who is very close by, as he has become like our family doctor.
They attended to me right away…PLT! I did not want to sit in a waiting room. After cleaning the small sand & rocks out of my left leg, the doctor seen me & suggested us to go and have a CT Scan for my head injury & a chest X-ray, as I was complaining that my left side Ribs where hurting badly.
After receiving all the Scans and X-rays, everything was confirmed that I am Oaky!
A big, thank you to, JESUS! For sending Angel's to protect me!
My injuries consist of:
Head wound right above my left eye with a small cut, but no need of stitches!
My left arm & elbow has road rash…which is a bite painful!
My left knee, Calf & shin are all scraped up pretty bad.
My left ankle, too... It also has a bad sprang!
Strange…my right side foot, on my Big Toe. It was hurt bad enough, that it looks right now, that I will lose the Big Toe nail!!!
As am have been writing this letter today, and been irrupted many times, it was a very hard day!
Earlier in the day, as I was trying to write, I noticed that I could start to see my left eye sticking out as I looked at the computer screen, why? Because, it started to swell! Yes, it swelled so much that I could only see out of it halfway, after about 1 hour, and I needed to stop, to soak it with a Hot Hand Towel, to make the swelling stop! Then, later in the day, the swelling went from the top of the left eye, to the bottom of the eye. Now, it looks like someone, punched me really hard right in my left eye! Ouch!
I will end here, as I have already written too much! Sorry!
I wanted to share this experience with you all, so you can keep me in your personal prayers!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this long three page letter about my, Unexpected Accident & Injuries on June 29, 2011
Praveena & I do covet, your prayers in our lives!
With Out Your Prayers! It would have been much WORSE!!!
Psalm 91: 7-16… A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
Thank You, ALL….
Rev. Lee Ruud
PS, I was wondering if I should attach a Photo...
What do you think???
Lee ,
ReplyDeleteGod is so good! I am very glad you are going to be all better again. God always watches out for us!! Love and miss you!
Jesus Christ loves us!
Thanks Mike!