Monday, September 6, 2010

Spiritual Fitness with Coach Don Nava

The Top 5 excuses why people don't exercise:

Spiritual Fitness
Hey Champion,

The Top 5 excuses why people don't exercise:

1. "I don't have time to exercise."
Make an appointment with yourself to exercise.

2. "There isn't a gym close to my house."
Power-walk for 40 minutes.

3. "I don't know how to exercise."
Exercise isn't rocket science. Do a Google search for options and tips.

4. "I have no energy to exercise."
Of course, if you sit around all day doing nothing you will feel lazy. Get up off the couch and get moving!

5. "I have no one to work out with."
For most of us it would be nice to have some company. If you absolutely cannot work out alone...hire a trainer, participate in an exercise class, or take your furry friend for a walk.

May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD. Psalm 104:34

Have you thought about the Lord during the last minute, the last hour, the last six hours, or the last 24 hours?

God will keep you in perfect peace, if your mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3

Romans 8:6 says the mind controlled by the Spirit is full of life and peace. Who controls your mind?

Exercise of the week: set your cell phone alarm to go off every hour and then pray, meditate or think about the Lord for 60 seconds.
The peace of God, which transcends all understanding,

will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

You Are A Champion
Coach Don Nava

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